Q: What do you get if you mix together a few determined mumbosses, a handful of small children, a French bulldog, and armloads of too-cool-for-preschool kids' clothes?
A: The beautiful Look Book for uber-cool kidswear company Bon Tot, that's what.
Oscar gritted his teeth and visualised the Star Wars Lego he'd been bribed with/Photo: Susie Lowe
Still fully focussed on the Lego/Photo: Susie Lowe
The Pink House's Creative Director/Photographer Susie Lowe and I first met Bon Tot founder Kristina Currie when we interviewed and photographed her for a Stylist magazine feature last year. Kristina and her architect husband Graham (who built the Edinburgh store out of cardboard for 75 actual pounds) firmly believe in letting kids be kids, and not defining them with colour-coded clothes or gender-specific toys.
The Pink House's feature on Bon Tot for Stylist
Inside Bon Tot's cardboard shop/Photo: Susie Lowe
As a result, Bon Tot is a chic on- and off-line boutique, filled with quality basics that look just as cool on a boy as a girl. So fab are the clothes, in fact, that Kristina is inundated with requests for mama-sized versions (mine might have been one of the requests).
Having confetti fired at you is a very serious matter/Photo: Susie Lowe
Never work with...oh/Photo: Susie Lowe
Susie and I loved not only the shop and the concept, but we also fell for Kristina and her ability to run a brilliant business while bringing up three-year-old daughter Clemence. So when Kris asked Susie to photograph Bon Tot's new Look Book, and six-year-old Pink House Dweller Oscar and Susie's three-year-old nephew Yasin were called upon to be models, it was a no-brainer (after I bribed Oscar with Lego he was super keen).
Yasin's dog was a little easier to work with/Photo: Susie Lowe
To see Bon Tot's 2016 Look Book in all its digital glory, click HERE. I'm warning you though, these kids clothes are completely irresistible - Oscar and his little brother are now fully Bon-Totted from head to toe.